build green!
Essential to an effective green building policy that delivers energy efficiency is use of simple, standardized energy performance metrics throughout all phases of building design and operation.
New buildings must be designed to meet local energy codes, but should also be expected to meet aggressive energy use targets that are “Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR.” These design targets should be verified when the building is built and operated. This feedback loop is important and often missing in building lifecycle.
The EPA Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings, recently adopted by over 18 federal agencies, including EPA, provide a good model. The Guiding Principles call for integrated design, energy performance, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, and materials aimed at helping Federal agencies and organizations:
- Reduce the total ownership cost of facilities;
- Improve energy efficiency and water conservation;
- Provide safe, healthy, and productive built environments; and,
- Promote sustainable environmental stewardship.
Energystar information
You can visit the energystar website for more information on gaining an energystar certification for your home or business.
Sprayfoam and wall injection synopsis
A home or business energy audit is often the first step in making your home or office more efficient. An audit can help you assess how much energy you use and evaluate what measures you can take to improve efficiency. But remember, audits alone don't save energy. You need to implement the recommended improvements. ENERGY STAR provides extensive information about home improvement projects to enhance energy efficiency, lower utility bills, and increase comfort.
In a nutshell, you can make your home or business more energy efficient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly; not to mention the long term savings in energy costs! Located in Central Hudson Valley gives us the flexibility to service New York City, Westchester, Northern New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Norther New York. Give us a call to schedule an appointment to have your home or business evaluated for insulation!

More Information
We also do flat roof systems as well as efficiency surveys, ask us about all of our services and products.
Did You Know?
Reducing air leakage, which can cause up to 40% of a home’s energy loss, can produce noticeable savings for an average homeowner who spends $3,000 per year on heating and cooling
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